SOME illnesses have a funny reputation despite being truly nightmarish. Getting any of these will wipe the smile from your face.
Ingrown toenails
It’s not until you’re in agony that you realise you actually use your feet quite a lot, like to walk to the GP and get this embarrassing problem diagnosed. You can’t turn to your friends for sympathy either. They’ll laugh at you because you’ve got a pus-filled big toe and can’t wear flip flops. Consider getting better friends when you’re well again.
Haemorrhoids are a classic punchline, but they transform any toilet cubicle into your own personal torture chamber. They’re itchy, painful and embarrassing, and yet you know no one’s setting up a charity and doing a sponsored swim on your behalf. You would break this cycle but you’re too self-conscious. It’s easier to suffer in silence.
When you bring up gout people immediately imagine a fat medieval king who sits on his arse eating turkey legs all day. Never mind trying to explain to them that it’s actually something that runs in the family and is horribly, horribly painful. And you don’t even have a throne, which adds insult to injury.
Eczema sounds like the kind of illness a toddler might have, hence why most people can’t take it seriously. No matter your age though, flare-ups mean cracked, bleeding skin and the need to buy endless, useless creams and ointments to try and fix it. Not really laugh-a-minute stuff.
Finding out a friend has an STI is hilarious, especially if it’s your friend Martin who really had it coming. But then one day you wake up and go for a wee which feels like Satan is squeezing your urethra. Feel bad for Martin, now? Maybe sleeping with him wasn’t the best idea you’ve ever had.