A PLATEFUL of shrubbery tastes nicer than the ‘superfood’ kale, according to people who eat a large amount of kale.
Unheard of just five years ago, kale is regarded by many nutritionists to be as essential as water to a balanced and healthy diet.
However, kale consumers have admitted that it tastes very nasty but they will have to continue eating it until it becomes unfashionable.
Nikki Hollis said: “I’ve been forcing this filth down my throat for two years. It’s two-fifty a bag. I could have got the same results by investing in a pair of shears.
“There are cows laughing at us for eating this stuff.”
Tom Booker added: “I’ve started using it as an insult. I was at party last week and got stuck talking to this arrogant, humourless prick. On the way home I said to my wife ‘that guy was totally kale’.
“When we got home we ate a load of kale.”