Unbearable arsehole claims her child doesn't like sugar

AN obnoxious middle-class mother has asserted that her five-year-old has never had sugar and would not like it if he did.

Carolyn Ryan claimed: “Archie’s never had sugar, unless you count the yummy date-and-beetroot puree I made him the other day. He doesn’t know what sugar is! After all, his body doesn’t need it.

“I just give him a carrot stick or a sprig of parsley as a treat. He loves his parsley, don’t you, Archie?

“Of course, he can’t go to the other kids’ birthday parties. I’m pretty sure he would look on in pity as they stuffed themselves silly with haribo and fondant fancies.

“If someone gave Archie sweets, he wouldn’t know what to do with them. All those bright colours and strange flavours? He would instinctively know they were bad.”

Archie’s grandmother Helen Archer said: “Whenever Archie comes to me I make sure his giant bag of Tangfastics is right there on the high chair, so he can watch them fizz in his little beaker of full-fat Coke.”

The roadmap to a triumphant photo-op of the prime minister pulling a pint

THE Conservatives have outlined their roadmap to the photo opportunity of Boris Johnson behind a bar pulling a pint that means this crisis is over. Here it is: 


Matt Hancock cuts the two metre rule to one metre, explaining through gritted teeth that it was all a misunderstanding because he is so British he does not understand the metric system. Adds that we will not be hearing from medical staff any more because they are ‘tired’.


Plans unveiled to allow everyone to visit pubs, cafés and restaurants as long as they check in everywhere they go on Facebook, like twats do.


A deeply uncomfortable Priti Patel announces that Britons are to be allowed to form multi-bubbles with members of their family and at least one tradesman. Admits under press questioning that she was never happier than when we were all under house arrest.


An under-pressure government allows hairdressers and nail salons to open two days before pubs after the nation’s women confirm that no way are they going out looking like this. Dominic Raab says he prefers women who look natural, creeping everyone out.


UK’s R-rate hits 1.8. Matt Hancock explains this does not affect any of the government’s plans because they did that last time and it really hurt them in the polls.


A beaming Boris Johnson is pictured behind the bar of The Three Tuns on Uxbridge High Street pulling a pint of Ruddles before handing it to a thirsty punter who has contracted coronavirus in the 10 minutes since entering. Takes the rest of the month off.