ARE you determined to use your food discount to be a pain in the arse to other customers and staff? Here’s how to do it.
Have unrealistically high expectations
Going for a £10 burger meal in a pub? Act as if you’re paying £500 at a Michelin-starred restaurant. Demand a window seat and start shouting if you don’t get onion rings and half a dozen relishes. Basically be a poundshop Michael Winner but without the awful films.
Be a dick about getting things for free
There’s nothing more tedious than a triumphant tightarse. Please shut up about how you had a massive lasagne on Monday for £1, a medium Margherita for free on Wednesday, etc. Especially if it’s the third time you’ve mentioned it that evening.
Be incredibly rude
All of the following are good to mark you out as a twat:
● Clicking your fingers at serving staff, maybe with a cheerful shout of “Oi! Garcon!”.
● Complaining about non-problems, such as a microscopic smear on a water glass, to show what a big man you are.
● Creepy ‘bantz’, eg. “Bet you’ve got a few boyfriends?” every time the waitress comes to the table.
These will guarantee that one element of your meal definitely comes free – a nice big glob of spit.
Spread coronavirus for the sake of cheap food
Ignore social distancing while queuing to get in and jostle others in your eagerness to feed. Once inside, get way too close to other customers as you get more napkins and ketchup sachets. Potential death versus a free glass of Diet Coke? No contest.
Attempt to game the system
There’s no limit to how many times you can use the discount, so why not have an unhealthy 12 meals a day? Tell people about this brilliant scam. They’ll think you’re a twat, but you won’t realise, because you’re such a twat.