THIRTY year-old Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest person still on it.
Most young people have taken flight from the ancient social network in favour of platforms including Snapchat, Whatsapp, Emotiswap and Grindr.
Zuckerberg said: “Facebook just seems to be full of prehistoric cultural references. What is ‘Dangermouse’? Who is ‘Mr T’ and why does he ‘pity the fool’?
“What’s a ‘Morrissey’?”
Zuckerberg has also discovered that Facebook traffic increases during the night as most of its users need to go to the toilet and take the opportunity to log on and post something about Dangermouse before going back to bed.
Zuckerberg said, “I wanted to impose a ‘no over-40s’ rule on Facebook but I was told that would just leave myself and a Ms Katherine Walker, from Stevenage, age 37.
“Am I the fool? Does ‘Mr T’ pity me?”