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Independent Scotland could have been exactly the same, say experts

IF Scotland had won independence ten years ago it could have been exactly the same in every way, according to experts. 

A decade on from the historic independence referendum, Scots have looked back and reflected that separation from the UK would have changed very little, if anything.

Political scientists Julian Cook said: “Scotland would have stayed damp, windy and miles from anywhere. That’s a given.

“The Scottish people would have continued to shop, drink, complain, work for the council, eat beige food and hate each other because of football, religion or some bastard hybrid of the two.

“They would watch the same television, drink just as heavily and retain their baffling sense of entitlement. The government would still interfere in their lives constantly, but post-independence there would only be one set of f**knuts to blame.”

“Meanwhile the rest of the UK would also remain eerily unchanged. You know how it Brexited and it made no real difference to anything? Like that.”

The Scottish National Party has condemned the research as racist stereotyping while welcoming it for proving independence would be completely risk-free.