NOBODY at John Lewis knows what its long-standing slogan is supposed to mean, it has been confirmed.
For over 90 years staff have gone along with the slogan ‘Never knowingly undersold’, without the faintest clue what the thing they have not done since 1925 actually is.
A spokesman said: “I have never knowingly understood what ‘underselling’ is. Selling it too cheaply? Selling it under the counter? Why we make such a big deal of it?
“What happened in 1925? Did some clerk knowingly undersell a whalebone corset to a dowager and they vowed never to do it again, whatever it was they did?
“I tell you what, we’ve got a huge batch of men’s golf-themed socks down at the warehouse and they’re definitely undersold, I know that for a fact. Can’t shift them to any bugger.
“In fact, any customer who can explain to us what ‘Never knowingly undersold’ means can have the lot. We’ll send round a lorry.”