Severance, and other bullshit shows you've pretended to understand to join in

ROLL up, there’s a new impenetrable TV show in town that looks fantastic and goes f**king nowhere. But you don’t want to be left out so you’re watching with the rest: 

Severance (2022-ongoing) 

After a mind-numbing day at the office, what could thrill more than someone else’s mind-numbing day at the office? With a grey colour palette, an eerie soundtrack and softly-spoken, abstract dialogue? Best show of the year though, you bullshit at the water cooler, because it’s an allegory for purgatory or capitalism, Everyone nods, thoughtfully.

Twin Peaks (1990-91)

Of course you understood Lynch’s seminal work: in a town somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, there were many, many hot people. They interacted in sexy ways. This made up for the lack of any plot that made sense, just as it does in all sexy hot people shows.

Lost (2005-2010)

A plane crash lands on an island and, within short order, many mysteries are revealed. The answers to these mysteries are further mysteries. By the fourth season all hope of comprehensibility has long departed, and after that everyone starts shuffling around in time. In the end? It ended. That’s about all its viewers can be sure of.

That Scandinavian murder show (2007-2018 approx)

Which one? It doesn’t matter. You claimed to be into all of them rather than be the workplace pariah, even though they merged in your head into one giant frowning-woman-in-argyle-jumper. You did try to watch, but it’s very hard to read the subtitles when you’re on your phone.

Succession (2018-2023)

The swearing was good. The rap was funny. But anytime anything remotely business-related came up you went as blank as you do during the financial bit on the news, and had to check with your partner ‘Is that good or bad?’ because you’re above such petty concerns as corporate mergers, share prices and money.

Only Connect (2008-ongoing) 

One day Victoria Coren-Mitchell will reveal this whole thing was a scripted dramatic experiment designed to fool the public by psychologists and thank you for taking part. How else would anyone get any of those pissing questions right?

In the Night Garden… (2007-2009)

Your pre-schoolers believed you found Makka Pakka’s stacking and cleaning of stones as relatable as they did. Instead you spent 15 minutes every evening gripping hard to each arm of your chair, convinced you were suffering an acid flashback and begging it to stop. Teletubbies is more your level. That’s a class B drug.

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Win Sabrina Carpenter tickets in today's Spring Statement!

WOULD you love to see Sabrina Carpenter live? Simply answer these questions about the Spring Statement and pop’s sultry princess and win free tickets – just like Rachel Reeves!

What is Sabrina’s best song?

A) Espresso
B) Please Please Please
C) Whatever she’s singing while kneeling provocatively on a bed in stockings and suspenders with doggy-style overtones

How will the media report the Spring Statement in a painfully clichéd way?

A) With a graphic of a pint, a stack of pound coins and a man filling his petrol tank
B) Unrepresentative case studies of winners and losers
C) Misleading claims that inheritance tax will impoverish everyone in Britain, illustrated with a photo of whinging posh bastards whose house resembles the Tsar’s Winter Palace

What was your reaction to Sabrina splitting up with Barry Keoghan?

A) Total, crushing indifference
B) If the cheating allegations are true you hope it wasn’t too upsetting for Sabrina, and you’ve said so on MailOnline and her Instagram
C) Delight, because if she’s into shagging freakish rat boys you’re definitely in with a chance

Why did Rachel Reeves leave HBOS?

A) To pursue a parliamentary career
B) She was just too good at economics so all the other economists bullied her
C) Definitely not because she was investigated for excessive expense claims, and accepting expensive concert and theatre tickets as an MP only looks bad because of the optics of cutting winter fuel payments and disability benefits

Did Sabrina’s Brit Awards performance set a bad example?

A) Yes, she presented herself as little more than a sexual fantasy
B) No, it was kitsch and over-the-top and the gays loved it
C) Have you seen the Brits anytime in the last 30 years? It’s all young women cavorting like painted whores for the delectation of middle-aged label executives

Which of these claims does NOT appear on Rachel Reeves’ LinkedIn page?

A) Rachel beat both Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparov to win the 1985 Chess Championship
B) Rachel invented the Harrier jump jet
C) Rachel will certainly not be unceremoniously forced to resign when the economy continues to stagnate due to her own incompetence, much to the delight of her careerist bastard Labour colleagues

Complete the following tie-breaker in less than 25 words: ‘This is not austerity because…’