TRYING to have a conversation with an irritating acquaintance? As soon as you hear any of these, brace yourself for a sort of shit mini-lecture.
‘I saw an interesting Guardian long-read recently’
The sentence that sends shivers down the backs of anyone attending a dinner party. Paula’s underwhelming beef wellington will turn to ash in your mouth as you sit through what feels like her recounting the entire article in real time. You never thought you’d spend the evening being lectured on the financial struggles facing Peruvian alpaca farmers, but there you are.
‘I heard a podcast about that’
You thought you were on safe, if boring, ground discussing inflation with Ian at work. Well, unfortunately, Ian listened to a BBC podcast the other day, so now your lunch break will be wasted listening to this wanker try to lecture you about global economics while he struggles to remember facts he didn’t understand anyway.
‘Have you even seen the documentaries?’
Looking to have a nice, relaxed conversation about, say, The Beatles, with a few friends at a party? Well, prepare for some pedantic prick to berate you for not having PhD level knowledge of the band and attempt to feel superior by deploying tedious facts such as: ‘In 1966 the Beatles were among the first artists to use artificial double-tracking.’
‘There’s a brilliant TED talk about that’
Is the person you’re speaking to a qualified expert on the subject they’re looking to wank on about? No. Did they watch half a TED talk about successful relationships on a bus one morning in 2017 and seem to think that makes them a world-leading behavioural psychologist? Unfortunately, yes, so prepare for some unsolicited, and inaccurate, relationship advice.
‘Did you read the book though?’
Chatting about a massive, widely-acclaimed movie series like The Lord of the Rings? Well you don’t actually know what you’re talking about, according to this arse. Enjoy spending the next hour having a man wearing a leather trench coat explain how J.R.R. Tolkein would be spinning in his grave if he knew what details the movies left out. (Mainly boring dwarf mythology.)