
This week in Mash History: Marie Antoinette invents being a dickhead influencer, 1770

THE name of Marie Antoinette, consort of Louis XVI of France, has endured almost entirely because of how fit she was. But did you know she also invented influencing?

Your astrological week ahead for February 17th, with Psychic Bob

“I want to thank you. For the advice you gave me? That flying f**k at that rolling donut was the best sexual experience of my life.”

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... why nobody should be in the f**king Eurovision Song Contest

WAKING up in a cryogenic freezing machine, I lift the lid and wonder at what point in the future I have arrived. 

Haha, the thumbs-up emoji and other texts people send when they don't fancy you back

A TEXT reply from your crush should show barely-concealed longing and lust. So why are yours bland placeholder messages? Here’s what people text back when they’re just not feeling it.

A white home counties roadman gets a Valentine's card from peng gyal

Wagwan? Man is bare gassed. Superswag Active J scored a peng Valentine’s Day card on him’s desk in history today, innit.

Woman who has never had to use an app giving dating advice

A WOMAN who has never had to download an app and swipe through awful profiles is daring to give dating advice, it has emerged.

Mash Blind Date: a couple who have already dated each other but have absolutely no clue

HANNAH Tomlinson and Oliver O’Connor have been nominally looking for love and finding only casual sex for some years now. When will they realise they’ve dated before?

Woman only dresses up for herself and the Aztec god Huitzilopochtli

A WOMAN only puts effort into her appearance for herself and the chief deity of the Aztecs Huitzilopochtli, she has confirmed.

Kid A, and other records that risk turning you into a wanker

MUSIC snobs love to prove their superiority with their ‘challenging’ choices. But be warned - coming into contact with these albums may make you one of them. 

I am the gammon Vorderman, Holly Valance confirms

AUSTRALIAN model and actress Holly Valance has confirmed she is the right-wing equivalent of Carol Vorderman.