
UK's remaining high street shop to reopen

THE UK’s sole remaining high street shop that has not fallen into bankruptcy is to reopen today.

Five deeply unfunny April Fools' day jokes brands will make

NOT sure if a faceless corporation is pulling your leg? Check to see if it’s one of these exhaustingly tedious jokes that brands wheel out every April Fools’ Day.

Ronald McDonald and four other creepy as shit mascots

COMPANIES seem to think that weird, disturbing mascots will make you buy their products, and sadly they may be right. Here are some we’d prefer they hadn’t come up with, though.

A single Pritt Stick, and other things delivery drivers have risked their lives to bring you

BORED? Identified a possible need in your life and gratified it with a click? A chain of people now battling to bring it? Here’s how your purchase affects them.

How to lose money in just 30 minutes

BORED during lockdown? Run out of stuff to online shop for? Try these five easy ways to lose money from the comfort of your sofa.

Farmers and fishermen urged to pay attention to how farming and fishing works

FARMERS and fishermen outraged about Brexit disruption should have learned the basics about who they sell products to, experts have advised.

How to earn £12.43 on eBay for 40 hours work

FANCY earning a bit of cash on the side by flogging some of your old stuff on eBay? Here's how to give yourself an incredibly badly paid full-time job.

What to do if you've been shafted by Brexit, by a Brexiter

FISHERMEN, hauliers and other businesses are struggling to cope with Brexit. Here Leave voter Roy Hobbs offers his common sense advice to affected industries.

The Brexiter's guide to buying British

BREXIT has finally happened, it’s a great success, your next car should be a Morris Traveller and your next computer an Amstrad. Alongside these patriotic purchases...

UK in race against time to spend high street vouchers before shops go bust

ACROSS Britain recipients of high street gift vouchers are desperately racing to spend them before the retailers in question go bust.